Client Profile | Blush Imagery

When Beth came to me she was looking to redesign her branding materials from the ground up. She had just moved to Maine and was looking to redefine and freshen her clean and crisp, but somewhat stale, company identity as she entered the competitive New England wedding market. As the face of the company, she hoped that the new identity would express her own fun, lively personality and her knack for capturing her subjects' lovable, if quirky, traits. At her price point, she also needed to exude enough professionalism and class to appeal to a relatively well-to-do clientele.
The Blush brand identity began with logo concepts. The final logo design came extremely quickly and easily. Beth wanted to avoid cliché wedding imagery, like cakes, presents, and dresses. She has a strong background in photojournalism, so I based many of the logo concepts on abstractions of camera shutters, which happen to look a lot like asterisks when simplified to this extent. Surprisingly, Beth seized onto the second concept she saw and has loved it ever since, even when I tried showing her additional variations—I just couldn't believe the final design could come about so easily! The somewhat muted color palette was chosen as a more sophisticated, modern twist on traditional pastel wedding colors.

From the logo, we moved on to stationery, which was printed on bright white smooth stock with rounded corners for a touch of the different.
We also designed a series of promotional postcard mailers:

Beth has a great design sense and has been able to design and maintain her own website to match the brand collateral design. However, when she needed a PDF e-brochure almost two years after the launch of her new identity, she asked me to dive into it. This was a great opportunity to continue to refine and revise the brand and bring in some exciting new elements to keep it looking fresh. A new san-serif font and round-edged box elements were introduced to echo the logo and organize information, and the color palette was expanded slightly. Since this is a selling tool, Beth's best photos were prominently featured, and the final page is an editable PDF to make signing their contract super easy for potential clients.

Following the e-brochure came the design of two additional e-tools to help Beth maintain relationships with existing and prospective clients—a blog and e-mail newsletter. These echoed and expanded on the visual design elements of the e-brochure.

What's Next?
Blush is all booked up for the 2009 wedding season and 2010 bookings are going strong, thanks in part to the new e-brochure. Beth is committed to blogging fairly regularly and just signed on to Twitter ( She is constantly revising the way she presents her clients' photos, albums and account info online to optimize the experience for them. These digital and interactive tools let her propel and market a great brand both online and off. And of course, her personalized service and beautiful images continue to delight her clients and their guests at wedding events most every weekend, all spring, summer and fall.
Labels: client profile, clients, process, projects